ITLA Link Persons Around the World
Link Persons share information from ITLA with everyone concerned with toy libraries in their country. They are appointed by their national toy library association, if there is one, or they may be requested to act as a liaison by toy libraries in their country, or they may volunteer to act as a link in order to promote the development of toy libraries in their country.
Duties & Roles
- To circulate information from ITLA to everyone concerned with toy libraries in their country and to circulate the ITLA newsletter
- To send news about toy libraries in their country to the ITLA newsletter editor
- To send a country report to ITLA when requested
- To attend the meeting of Link Persons at International Toy Library Association Conferences or to organise for another person to represent their country
- To cooperate with ITLA‘s international projects
Links to relevant websites
• Swiss Association of Toy Libraries • France Association des Ludotheques Francaises • Austria • Denmark • Verband Deutscher Spieliotheken / Ludotheken e.V. (VDSL) • Estonia • Netherlands
• Belgic • Spain • Luxembourg – Mobile Toy Library • Scotland
• USA Toy Library Association • National Lekotek Centre, U.S. • National Association for the Education of Young Children • Canada • Mexico • El Salvador
• Toy Library Federation of New Zealand • Toy Libraries Australia • Toy Library for Children with Special Needs, NSW • Noah’s Ark family and community centres, NSW